Thursday, September 26, 2013

How About Some OJ and Cookies?

I know, I know, I haven't written anything in so long, everyone (okay, there aren't that many out there) thought I was letting this just go. 

Nope.  I have been thinking about it for some time, and I'm going to try to write here more often.  Today...something popped up that I just had talk about:  OJ and Cookies.

Yes, that OJ, as in the former NFL'er and now resident of Nevada's finest.  He was just busted again.  For what you say?  Stealing prison cookies.  Seriously.  He tried to hide them under his clothes, but was caught.  Read the story here

He was pretty elusive while in the NFL.  Not so much in his life of crime.  He's a monster.  A cookie monster....

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