Saturday, February 9, 2013

Get Me Out of Here

Get Me Out of Hear Here

 While cruising around in the Chino Hills Library trying to find a new author - and by the way, that's not very easy, you have to do some homework before you leave the house - I had to use the Catalog Search computer to locate a book.  After finding what I was looking for, I reached over and grabbed one of the little miniature golf pencils as well as a piece of scratch paper, so I could write down the Dewey Decimal number.  The first one I grabbed had writing on it already and it was too funny to pass up, so I took it.  It is below:

This made me laugh - partly because of the hear with the scratch out (no erasers on the golf pencils!), partly because of what it said - but I was impressed that he or she made the correction.  It must have been a fairly young kid, whose Mom or Dad forced him or her - okay, I'm going to say it is probably a "him" - to go to the library for an extended period of time.  I can almost picture the poor kid who felt like being in a library was being trapped.  Hopefully someday, he or she will appreciate what a library has to offer.

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