Friday, January 25, 2013

It's Like Learning How To Program Your Remote

I'm new to blogging (around a month into it), and when I set up this blog, I just kind threw it out there.  I didn't pay much attention to all of the settings nor what they could do.  Finally, today, I took some time to do what I never do:  I Read The Instructions Manual! 

Those of you who have perused the blog may notice that the look of the site has changed ever so slightly.  I've added some things that should make it easier to follow the site, without having to use Facebook to enter every time. 

For those of you who have taken the time to read my ramblings, thank you, I appreciate it.  There's more to come...

1 comment:

  1. Lance, let me encourage you to keep writing. Your voice is genuine and unique. Your sense of irony and humor is refreshing and entertaining. I look forward to more blogs.

    Fred Wind
